Community Networks/LINK is the Upper Clutha's one-stop community support and connection centre, supporting the community across the full health and welfare spectrum.
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Based at the Wānaka Community Hub, Community Networks/LINK provides a gateway to information and support from government agencies and coordinates community services like the Community Foodbank and Wheels to Dunstan (community bus service connecting locals to Dunstan and Dunedin hospitals), and offer free consultations with JPs, Community Law, IRD, MSD, Immigration NZ and financial advisors.

They can also provide social work support, financial assistance with one-off household costs, and referrals to other support. They run the Community Gardens at the Hub and hold bi-weekly Community Kitchens for anyone in the community looking to connect and share a meal. Pop in to see the friendly team and find out more!

Wānaka Community Hub, 34 McDougall Street, Wānaka, 9305, New Zealand Get Directions