Ka ora te wai, Ka ora te whenua. Ka ora te whenua, Ka ora te takata.

If the water is healthy, the land will be nourished.

Nature Conservation is essential to protecting our land, wildlife and waterways for future generations to enjoy. The wairua (spirit) created by our landscape is what shapes the experience of being in Wānaka.  Whether you call this place home or you are visiting, here are some simple ways to help give back to our whenua (land/environment).

Girl walking on large fallen tree in the wilderness.

Te Kakano is a Wānaka community-based, non-profit plant nursery that raises plants of local origin for native habitat restoration. While volunteering at the nursery, you’ll learn propagation and cultivation techniques, leading on to how to plant and nurture young plants in the wild.

It doesn’t have to be conservation week for you to help out. The nursery is open to volunteers from 9am-12pm every Tuesday and Wednesday from October 1-March 31, and then from 1-4pm from April 1-September 30. To volunteer, contact Te Kākano.

Round up a solid possie of your favourite humans – many hands make light work! Set out on a morning walk with your whanau (family) to pick up some rubbish. The best way to make it feel impactful is to choose a place that matters to you most. Maybe it’s a favourite picnic spot that you want to continue to see thrive. Better yet, convince them to take an hour to volunteer as a group!

Did you know that you can also walk, weed and water?

Good for the soul and good for the environment – make the most of the tracks here in Wānaka, and walk or cycle whenever you can. If you’ve flown here offset your emissions through multiple ways of giving back to the Love Wānaka community fund.

If you can’t spare the time, and you can spare the dollars, take the opportunity to donate to Love Wānaka. Your donation will give life to the organisations and initiatives that are protecting and preserving our ecosystems, now and for generations to come. Best part of it all? All funds are distributed exclusively within the region of Wānaka, so you know your money is going directly to the place you love.

Person planting natives in a community area.

Ka ora te whenua, ka ora te tangata – when the land is well, the people are well. When Papatūānuku thrives, we thrive.


Learn more about Love Wānaka’s mission and impact.